How Do Dental Implants Work?

How Do Dental Implants Work?

TeamDental Implants

Dental implants are today's premier replacement for damaged or missing teeth. They replace the crown and root of a natural tooth, giving them full functionality and an attractive appearance.

Many patients mistakenly think receiving a dental implant is too complex. This blog will share the facts about dental implants and how they work, explain the process, and discuss how they can improve oral health and quality of life.

About Dental Implants

A dental implant is a unique type of tooth replacement solution because it takes on both the root and crown functions. Other replacements like bridges and dentures may replace the missing tooth but do not compensate for the loss of the natural root.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Natural Look and Feel

Today's dental implants look very much like natural teeth. Since they bond with the jawbone, they also feel like healthy teeth.

Easy Care

A single-tooth dental implant is no more challenging to maintain than a healthy natural tooth. Brush, floss, and keep your regularly scheduled dental appointments.


With proper care, dental implants last for many years, perhaps decades. However, the crown, bridge, or denture on top may need periodic replacement due to routine wear and tear.

No Food Restrictions

With a dental implant, you can eat nearly anything you want. Without worry, you can eat steak, corn on the cob, and caramel again.

Protect Oral Health

Leaving a space in your smile detracts from your appearance and endangers your oral health. Food and plaque will collect in the gap between your natural teeth, potentially causing tooth decay and gum disease. Your jawbone may also begin to atrophy due to a lack of chewing stimulation, causing a sunken facial appearance.

Parts of a Dental Implant

Dental Implant Anchor

The tooth's natural roots are vital to oral health because they keep the jawbone strong and intact. Dental implant anchors, made of biocompatible titanium, have the same function. Surgically positioned, they bond with the jawbone in osseointegration.

The bonded anchor provides a sturdy base for replacement teeth and prevents plaque and food debris from becoming trapped underneath.


A stainless steel abutment cap protects the anchor and provides a place for your dentist to install your crown, bridge, or denture.


The crown, bridge, or denture attaches to the abutment, creating a solid bond for excellent performance.

The Dental Implant Surgery Process

Step 1: Consultation

Your dentist will explain the process and determine your needs. They will also take digital scans to assess your oral anatomy and investigate whether you have sufficient bone mass to place an implant. To proceed, you may need a dental bone graft from an oral surgeon.

Step 2: Surgical Procedure

The dentist makes a small opening in the gum and bone and places the implant anchor inside. The dentist secures the gum over the top of the anchor and allows the area to heal for a few months.

Step 3: Abutment

After the anchor heals and osseointegration is complete, the dentist reopens the gum and attaches the abutment. They secure the gum around the abutment to allow it to heal.

Step 4: Restoration

The abutment heals for about two to six weeks before it accepts the restoration. The dentist securely attaches the restoration. Gradually, the gums will heal, allowing you to eat your favorite foods worry-free.

Tips for Success With Dental Implants

  • Brush and floss at least twice daily
  • Address health problems like gum disease, osteoporosis, or diabetes
  • Avoid grinding or clenching your teeth, and ask your dentist about a mouthguard if needed
  • Quit using tobacco products of all kinds since they interfere with the body's natural healing ability

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

What is the success rate of dental implants?

Dental implants have an approximate 95 percent success rate when patients follow their practitioner's instructions.

Will people notice that I have a dental implant?

To an outside observer, a dental implant looks almost identical to a natural tooth. In most cases, your friends and family will notice you have a new, complete smile, but you cannot easily identify your implant.

Call Wilson Park Dental

If you want to know how dental implants can revive your smile and change your life, please call our Rapid City, SD, office at 605-343-9352. We look forward to meeting you and discussing your dental implant needs.